Ignis Excubitor

Thumbnail of the map 'Ignis Excubitor'

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Tags author:palemoon eleven rated
Created 2008-10-07
Last Modified 2008-10-07
by 8 people.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Draco Marinus' Thumbnail of the map 'Parietinae Umbra' Thumbnail of the map 'underhang' Thumbnail of the map 'Nimbus Recanto' Thumbnail of the map 'Harena Tigris' Thumbnail of the map 'Man you guys'
Draco Marinus Parietinae Umbra underhang Nimbus Recanto Harena Tigris Man you guys


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Fear can be described using different terms in relation to its varying degrees. Personal fear varies extremely in degree from mild caution to extreme phobia and paranoia. Fear is related to a number of emotional states including worry, anxiety, terror, fright, paranoia, horror, panic, persecution complex and dread.

Fear may be a factor within a larger social network, wherein personal fears are synergetically compounded as mass hysteria.

Paranoia is a term used to describe a psychosis of fear, described as a heightened perception of being persecuted, whether unfounded or otherwise. This degree of fear often indicates that one has changed their normal behavior in radical ways, and may have become extremely compulsive. Sometimes, the result of extreme paranoia is a phobia.
Distrust, in the context of interpersonal fear, is sometimes explained as the inward feeling of caution, usually focused on a person; representing an unwillingness to trust in someone else. Distrust is not a lack of faith or belief in someone, but a feeling of warning towards someone or something questionable or unknown. For example, one may "distrust" a stranger who acts in a way that is perceived as "odd". Likewise, one may "distrust" the safety of a rusty old bridge across a 100-foot drop.
Terror refers to a pronounced state of fear - which usually occurs just before the state of horror - when someone becomes overwhelmed with a sense of immediate danger. Also, it can be caused by perceiving a (possibly extreme) phobia. As a consequence, terror overwhelms the person to the point of making irrational choices and displaying atypical behavior.
Fear can also affect the subconscious and unconscious mind, most notably through nightmares



great technique

btw. impeccable form.


it's the position palemoon takes when his father violates him!
but the rest was done really well
but the second one was intense and awesome... one of the few colossi that actually want to hurt you, and have the speed to do it.
More the first one than the latter.
palemoon = sexy
Demo Data


"Brought a Buddy" Del the Funkee, awesome song man.

Love the tiles. 4
i realize now your chances of living and dying are very randomized during play. oh well.
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