Caution Tape

Thumbnail of the map 'Caution Tape'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bufar
Tags author:bufar imagemap jumper nreality objectmod puzzle rated
Created 2008-10-04
Last Modified 2008-10-05
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Play in nReality.
Don't play if you suck at n.

I like this version better.
Thumbnail is fugly, though.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The New Drone Timer' Thumbnail of the map 'Hiking in 2037' Thumbnail of the map 'Semiramis' Thumbnail of the map 'Start Again' Thumbnail of the map 'Goodbye.' Thumbnail of the map 'High Tide'
The New Drone Timer Hiking in 2037 Semiramis Start Again Goodbye. High Tide


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whee! Saved by the trap doors! Was NOT expecting that too save me.

Still failed the run though
Demo Data


Did this one 2 days ago just forgot to post it...
Demo Data

I don't know why everyone is having such a hard time seeing things on this map. The ninja and mines are red. The tiles and gold are yellow. The exits and switch are light gray. None of these are that hard to see. Also, there is a pattern to the mines. Every break has a mine attached to the end tiles. There are also mines along the top and bottom of the map. And I hate when people rate down maps because they are hard. MTI and Mt. Doom are extremely hard, but people love those maps. I just don't get it.

I hate this

especially playing with a black ninja...
That aside, its very hard. 3


if you think those little bit of tiles were good, you should see some of my other tilesets
besides that, lacklustre gameplay and tileset. 1/5

Glad you like it.

(Demo on nReality.)


very. I got close to AGD but then i died =[ (1 piece of gold left)


That was disorientating :P


getting an agd is very ard though..
Demo Data