The Shepherd's Thorns

Thumbnail of the map 'The Shepherd's Thorns'

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Author Bupo
Tags action author:bupo rated
Created 2008-10-03
Last Modified 2008-10-03
by 24 people.
Map Data

Description With your feet on the air and your head on the ground.

Pull that trick, spin it, YEAH!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Machineries of Joy' Thumbnail of the map 'Shallow Chamber' Thumbnail of the map 'Bohemian Sky' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja In Your Headlights'
Machineries of Joy Shallow Chamber Bohemian Sky Ninja In Your Headlights


Pages: (0)

Slowest AGD

Demo Data
The lower gold section is hard but amazing when you pull it off. The whole structure looks great, and what you play of it plays great.


Let's try to get along this time.


time for more.

im around.



didn't do THAT much wrong...


i thought bupo had promise as a mapmaker. sure, he was a bad personality and his ban was entirely appropriate, but i liked his maps.

...enough with the selfish rant.


...hey check out She is a Happy Girl But Today She is Sad...
...there is something u might wanna read...
...also i didnt even look at this level but ill rate it a 3...

I liked this map.

Good job. :]


a bastard with the coolest avatar on NUMA
Whether I want that or not. Eventually, despite my choleric and contentions personality, people for some odd-ass reason will begin to find my sentiments attractive. I will prove to be humorous - the town drunk if I may.

Trust me, I'm just a bastard trying to prove a point.


Just when I thought that other people's issues with Bupo had subsided I guess I was wrong. RadiumFalcon, if you have nothing to say about Bupo's maps then please, do just that, say nothing.

Pretty easy. AGD isn't all that hard and the rocket on the lower left does absolutely nothing for the map. Overall a 3.
if you think it, so does everyone else right?

It went from a 4 to a 1 in 1 vote, idiot.


i thought it was worth a 3


leave bupo alone.
He is funny.

it was sniped/

deserves a 3. perhaps it got a 3 just because it's a bupo map. oh look.



Me? Jealous?

No. Although I have no respect for Bupo, I recognize his talent for map-making.

I just think he might be Mekkah.


this map is great.
Perhaps RF is jealous


The lower thwump part is lovely. Upper thwump part confusing. Gauss area could be better. Overall, Win out of 10.


I'm confused...

Who was that comment aimed at, Bupo?

Faster AGD again.
Demo Data
This means you're losing.

i like the gold.

everything else is average mek-err i mean bupo.


Even so, I still stand by my point...
...But maybe that's just me.

A bit faster AGD. Still improvable.
Demo Data
Either Bupo is Mekkah, or he is a cheap carbon-copy of Mekkah.


It annoys me when people accuse other people of being someone else without direct proof. (similar map styles or whatever the reason was isn't direct proof to me)

Slow AGD. I'm retarded, because it took me maybe 10 tries to realize that I didn't need the first switch, but could just take the thwump to the other side of the map. 4/5. My favorite part is probably the bottom.
Demo Data