seriously guys, this city is on fire

Thumbnail of the map 'seriously guys, this city is on fire'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Addicted_Ancestor
Tags acion author:addicted_ancestor mightyfinesummer mightyfunsummer playble rated
Created 2008-10-02
Last Modified 2008-10-02
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description another from my upcoming pack.
but really, this is gonna be the last one

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and i forgot to anme it ( k1easy sublte dungeon dragon unfortunate art speechsong mightyfinesummer


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I would give this 3.5 normally, but this is an exception thanks to southpark :P 5.


i just got sniped like 20 times :)
the map was nice, as usual; i especially liked the gold/mines and gausses.