Rough Terrain

Thumbnail of the map 'Rough Terrain'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author LiquidOcelot
Tags actionish author:liquidocelot fun tileset unrated
Created 2008-09-26
Last Modified 2008-09-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I am making a comeback to the numa community, I made 4 pretty successful maps on my account on and I am as I said I am returning to numa now.
Rate my first map(as LiquidOcelot), don't be too harsh.
Yes it's a tileset. Use, Abuse and Comment.
If you make a map of it post here.


Pages: (0)

Welcome Back []

The final one

Enjoy []

have a goodun

I was...



No problem. Tell me if you need a rating or something. I'm always looking for new maps. :D

here you go

Map []


rule|I like it but..
The concept is a little bit boring and it can not be used extremely well.
But it is ok, 3.

Thanks alot, for my first comment and rating. ^.^

I like it but..

The concept is a little bit boring and it can not be used extremely well.
But it is ok, 3.