A Most Profound Quiet

Thumbnail of the map 'A Most Profound Quiet'

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Author shortshift
Tags action alesana all-gold author:shortshift rated
Created 2008-09-23
Last Modified 2008-09-23
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description .

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Red Sky' Thumbnail of the map 'In The Morning And Amazing' Thumbnail of the map 'There's No Penguins in Alaska' Thumbnail of the map 'Spare the Air' Thumbnail of the map 'Control is Dead' Thumbnail of the map 'Through Struggle'
Red Sky In The Morning And Amazing There's No Penguins in Alaska Spare the Air Control is Dead Through Struggle


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becasue it was submitted at a shitty time. no ratings makes it fall of the page like that. It will be a ded to you.


This is good. Nothing really stood out to me but the enemy placement was very good. The best part was the exit switch area, those jumps were awesome.


is quite fantastic 5/5