Ballistomituphobia 03-3

Thumbnail of the map 'Ballistomituphobia 03-3'

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Author Lightning55
Tags action author:lightning55 hard playable rated utopian
Created 2008-09-23
Last Modified 2008-09-23
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description RCE, semi difficult but pretty fun. I think I finally developed a map style... Big open areas with enemies and lots of gold.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Challenge 12' Thumbnail of the map 'The Hand of the Ethereal 02-2' Thumbnail of the map 'Fury of the Underworld 02-3' Thumbnail of the map '9x9 Wonderain' Thumbnail of the map 'Finesse of the Weapons 02-4' Thumbnail of the map 'Convulsion of the Earth 03-2'
Thwump Challenge 12 The Hand of the Ethereal 02-2 Fury of the Underworld 02-3 9x9 Wonderain Finesse of the Weapons 02-4 Convulsion of the Earth 03-2


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I know it isnt good

but "better" makes me feel a lot "better" thanks.

I know it isnt good

but "better" makes me feel a lot "better" thanks.

Much better

however, the structure and style of the map (one big room with a bit in the middle) could much be improved.

Hmmm, let's see. Check out some of Mekkah's maps.
Or my levelpack OutBound - get some ideas for structure - one-room maps are often boring.

if i'm honest, a 2.

Much better

however, the structure and style of the map (one big room with a bit in the middle) could much be improved.

Hmmm, let's see. Check out some of Mekkah's maps.
Or my levelpack OutBound - get some ideas for structure - one-room maps are often boring.

if i'm honest, a 2.

You didnt rate



i liked the setup, but i think an agd is asking a lot 3.5 rounded up




I will consider that in my next map.
And the fun is to dodge when you hear the preparation of the drone.

Shut up

My tilesets still stink, but at least I know my style...(I think)

It is a pretty hectic run to get all the gold in the center, that being said, it is also the most fun part of this map.
Demo Data

Not bad

Some good gameplay but I found it just a bit ugly. That said, it did work well. 4
the chainguns shouldn't shoot that much. that makes it frustratingly hard when you suddenly get shot by one of them.
Demo Data
who I still want to look at this map. It is very little cluttered and quite challenging for an AGD (which I almost got once but got killed unexpectedly by a chaingun).

Completion was fun

But i do not think i would go for agd =)
Anyways i think this level is one of the best I have seen from you and it is a BIG 4 xD
Demo Data
I thought it was pretty easy... I even took a small detour for a little extra gold for NReality.
Demo Data


fun but lil hard
Demo Data