Comments on "The Sun Never Sets On the British Empire"

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publically rated!

Heh heh heh

Really nice, subtle gameplay. I love this map, good job. 5.
or are you betting that its impossible to get past?


I was working on an epic demo. But I ran out of energy/skill :P btw, I bet the drone at the point when he's at the top :D

closest i get

till now:)
Demo Data


tnx dude:)
Can't leave this one without a demo, so I'll start working on it right away:)
lower each cluster by maybe 3-4 pieces (but still retain the look) and this could very well be featured.


Awesomely good fun. I'm on a school computer so no demo.
But I love the feel of this. Occasionally that first thing with the jumpads on the bottom and the trapdoors tripped me up. But great enemy and gold placement, and it looks fantastic. 4/5.


gracias senor
Splendid, didnt figure it out until the 4th try, then I died =P