8-2 Live to cry

Thumbnail of the map '8-2 Live to cry'

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Author ChaoStar
Tags action author:chaostar unrated
Created 2008-09-11
Last Modified 2008-09-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description my final 10X10 for now... pretty hectic.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '7-1 down the drain' Thumbnail of the map '7-2 gem' Thumbnail of the map '7-3 buried and forgotten' Thumbnail of the map '7-4 Raising (and shrinking) the bar' Thumbnail of the map '8-0 weapons of math instruction' Thumbnail of the map '8-1 Proportional'
7-1 down the drain 7-2 gem 7-3 buried and forgotten 7-4 Raising (and shrinking) the bar 8-0 weapons of math instruction 8-1 Proportional


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i should make a level that is slightly more possible to AGD.


I doubt I'll ever get an AGD on this or your last two...
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