
Thumbnail of the map 'Misdirection'

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Author Cooby
Tags author:cooby difficult featured puzzle rated
Created 2008-09-10
Last Modified 2008-09-10
by 30 people.
Map Data

Description Two maps from Cooby in two days? Holy Hell.

This one's a crazy puzzle.

This map was featured on 2010-07-14

This may not look like much... But Cooby has pulled off one hell of an adventure. Each part of the map presents a new challenge - where you have to use your initiative to progress. Look for the clues, discover the methods and plan your route. Just remember, those 12 drones aren't just for decoration.

Some people will complete this map through guesswork.
Some will watch the given AGD.
Some will just give up.
What will you do? — ChrisE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Recurring Wet Dream' Thumbnail of the map 'The Far Side of the Mirror' Thumbnail of the map 'Flat Earth Society' Thumbnail of the map 'Proximate' Thumbnail of the map 'Zeal' Thumbnail of the map 'Countermeasures'
Recurring Wet Dream The Far Side of the Mirror Flat Earth Society Proximate Zeal Countermeasures


Pages: (0)

Hard !

Demo Data

Brilliant Evil_Bob map, Cooby.


Here, gimmicky means overfilled with disjointed concepts whose primary role is not to enhance gameplay, but to do something unsusual.

So pretty much it plays too much like a squibbles map.
gimmicky gimmicky gimmicy

This is the most amazing puzzle ever, watching your demo I realised how perfectly awesome this is.

I honestly can't demo it, that is how amazing this is.
Demo Data

Haha Cooby.


this is MY map? FUCK
I do appreciate the consideration though, ChrisE. Thank you for the feature.


Map didn't really do it for me.
Tiles didn't really do it for me.
Bounce blocks in the tiles didn't really do it for me.
Mashed up weird ass concepts didn't really do it for me.
Doors in the bottom right were ugly as sin; didn't really do it for me.
However, it was supremely well constructed and mildly entertaining.
I gave it a 3.

gloomp is dumv

map is dumb

dam is mumb
i could've forgiven that if it had an excellent concept, and there are several good points (like avoiding the floorguard and the use of bounceblocks), but overall it seems like a mish-mash of various puzzle ideas that isn't really cohesive or unified.


I know but it is not so obvious in his review.^^
However, I enjoyed it. 4
It seems...gimmicky. /Very/ gimmicky. :/

The aesthetic design earns it a three, in my opinion. :/
to the fact that the bottom 12 drones appear to do nothing, and thus are 'just for show', or, as he warns us, that they are not in fact.
that I hate speed walljumps and didn`t like thie two drones. But still a 5 from me.

I'll do this shit

stand the fuck back, everybody.

Not a fan

The hidden objects make the map less fun, and as Mustardude said "the drones were kinda dumb".
I prefer playing maps straight away without having to watch a demo, but this wasn't one of those maps.

I think

I love you


I have an idea for that. =)


which concept are you talking about? This map is a total mash-up of concepts, none of which are really original.


reject your challenge, Blackson! Haha, not to sound like a dick. I think many of my previous maps (it's been so long I can't even remember) were a lot more straightforward than this one. This is simply a step outside my normal style.


Can I try out this concept?

Quite the puzzle



a sense of intuitive play brings this map out of the realm of completely random guessing. Examining closer why the tiles and objects are placed how they are in a map and how they appear in relation to each other makes for a good puzzle, in my opinion.
Other than that, 4.5/5v
I like maps where it takes logic to complete, not looking in the editor :p


may be right, Blackson. My definition of a puzzle map is, generally, a map that is not completed by obvious and/or conventional means. Such as this map: it's a mystery how one progresses through certain stages of the map.

The one

thing I didn't like is that it wasn't exactly a puzzle. There's no trick or anything to it, it's just a lot of guessing.

Meh, maybe I'm just an idiot. My opinion.


This is genious

i got sorta close

then i kinda failed it

Holy shit

You're back. You are one of my favourite mappers ever. Why are you so awesome?



You may need it... BUAHAHAHA
Demo Data