Matt Pack 1.3: Mario would be Proud

Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 1.3: Mario would be Proud'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action agd author:guitar_hero_matt gold puzzlish thwumps unrated
Created 2008-09-08
Last Modified 2008-09-08
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A basic thwump-play map, I think it works quite well, plenty of challenge. Just dont rate on the aesthetics >_<

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 0.4: Red Tetris' Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 1.4: Shackled Freedom' Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 1.1: Cats in a Cradle' Thumbnail of the map 'Aero Dark' Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 1.2: Red Herrings' Thumbnail of the map 'Lightning Storm'
Matt Pack 0.4: Red Tetris Matt Pack 1.4: Shackled Freedom Matt Pack 1.1: Cats in a Cradle Aero Dark Matt Pack 1.2: Red Herrings Lightning Storm


Pages: (0)

Start's off smooth but *bam* it gets hard.


its not impossibly difficult, I did it at the third try, i wait to post a demo data , I want to to an AGD, I tried but by now i can't do it. 3/5
Im sure, check my demo. Ill post an agd soon.


Demo Data

Starts off well, but suddenly becomes impossibly difficult :(