Matt Pack 0.0: No Dice

Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 0.0: No Dice'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action agd author:guitar_hero_matt easy playable rocket unrated
Created 2008-09-06
Last Modified 2008-09-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Well, technically its only one face, but meh.

Other maps by this author

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In Can Scuba Sideways Simon Polydactylism Tapeworm Paradise Matt Pack 0.3: Ionic Matt Pack 0.1: Time is Running Out


Pages: (0)


I hate trying to get to the exit, missed a few times...
Demo Data

Not my kind of map, but its done well anyway. A lot harder than it looks. 4/5


You have to get the rocket to follwo you to have any chance of getting the middle gold. And theres a lot of opportunities for close calls.