Comments on "A call to Numa"

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Are you leaving ;_; ?


I guess I didn't have to try very hard.
Demo Data


Now I have to keep trying.
Demo Data


Meant 0th. :P


Faster. 1st on NReality too.
Demo Data

2nd fastest AGD

For now, Darkshadow1416 has the current fastest...
Demo Data

Because you didnt include me on the list, 4. It plays nice but its short and easy (I would have given a 4 anyways...)

AGD, slow I know, just dont rub it in, I missed a couple of jumps.
Demo Data

Nice and simple...

Demo Data


Is that sarcasm?

I decided to all gold it. =D
Demo Data

Short but Sweet

I would rename this map Kylie Minogue ;) 4


Thanks, 0aved.


Consider yourself beat.

Demo Data
YAY you rock! not back. hehe...


you're back! I like your maps.

(i beat riobe in Nreality demo)
Demo Data


6 Months, 20 days, I think. =)


You have about one more month of NUMA experience than me. =D

I thought you were here longer? I'll check.


Thanks for including me in that list.

As for this, love this. It's incredible. =D



Daggafork - For commenting on my first few maps.
Nexx - For almost religiously rating and commenting on my a lot of my maps.
geetakingle - See above.
Regal - Because he's cool.
yungerkid - He's also cool.
Riobe - He's awesome, too.
Notkitt - Because he's the antagonist in a few of my maps' stories, but a great tale can't be without one.
Espada - The funniest and most bizarre n-artist I've ever seen. It's a shame he's gone, but I hope he gives us a few every now and then.
Ryzor - Because he stands up against rating abuse, and I respect him for that. (But why am *I* guilty of it :P)
Autosurfer - For taking the initial (although futile) attempt to overthrow the encroaching fish fad.
Spudz - Dunno... Just felt like putting you here.
Wedgie (on metanet, not sure if the numa one is the same) - For having the funniest avatar imo. It cracks me up each time I see it.

blackson - !! imo the most important name on the list!
For being the awesome inspiration you have been to me, rating and commenting most of my maps, offering advice when (and when not ;) ) asked, being the first to collab with me, and making some of the most whack but innovative maps (imo... Others may disagree). Keep up the great work!