The New Director

Thumbnail of the map 'The New Director'

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Author gloomp
Tags action author:gloomp director new playable the unrated
Created 2008-08-25
Last Modified 2008-08-25
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description sneers whenever he addresses me.

pays no attention to her pleas.

doesn't approve when I use candle wax to keep out the sound of it.

insists on reading my mail now.

will know somethings afoot.

doesn't know of my discovery.

called me into his office for a special consultation, a very rare event, especially before breakfast.

fixed his beady eyes on me and brought up the matter of these letters, suggesting I might be writing too much a burdening you!

says the same.

yesterday and demanded he hand over your letters.


means to keep me here until I die or at the very least my mind goes up like Mrs. Havisham's wedding dress.

—or dare I say he knows?

is not.

destroyed all the letters I wrote you.

and my persecution, and yet for the life of me I have no recollection of those hours of whispers.

must really fear all I know.

Other maps by this author

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The Oppressor King The Prince and the Whale Live Underwater Benno ('67) Push-Button Antwerp n-der the volcano


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last rce

and best, imo! loved the map!


A rate! And a comment! And a demo! Yay! Attention city!


Thats was really fun.

Demo Data


knows I know and there will be no more of this simmering treachery.

feigned concern.

is too agile for your mother.

knows I know this.

WdIrecTorHopinglovestillconquersdeathorattheveryminimumFear P.

is in fact none other than the Old Director, the patient one, the decent one, the honest one, the kind one who has been taking care of your mother for well over ten years.