Tokyo Drift

Thumbnail of the map 'Tokyo Drift'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt drones mines puzzle tricky unrated
Created 2008-08-24
Last Modified 2008-08-24
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
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Seriously. Basically its a massive extropolation of The League of Uniform Nomenculture (kinda like Symbolic). Dont be intimidated, its easily doable. AGD on this is probably easier than on Symbolic. Anyways, RCE.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Part 1' Thumbnail of the map 'Part 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Part 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Part 4' Thumbnail of the map 'The League of Uniform Nomenculture' Thumbnail of the map 'Symbolic'
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 The League of Uniform Nomenculture Symbolic


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...but it isnt! The drones were meticulously planned to enable speedruns, or at least after the edit.

Fun, actually!

I went in to this map thinking, oh man... this won't be good.

It surprised me, and was pretty fun. I loved jumping somewhat randomly and improvising my way through the level, sometimes getting lucky, and sometimes getting unlucky. Also, I like the clumped gold. You make it fit nicely with the level and I hate it when people just downrate for clumped gold without looking at it as a part of the maps beauty.