excretory factory's subliminal death

Thumbnail of the map 'excretory factory's subliminal death'

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Author Addicted_Ancestor
Tags 50 action author:addicted_ancestor maps playble unrated
Created 2008-08-23
Last Modified 2008-08-23
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description so sell and brake, i used every enemy

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GmCmDm'L former formal future ROCKETBOY GRASS CUTTING CALABMA! THIS MAP IS SHORT! SO IS YOU! CANaN Balls. this is a map. everyone say high.


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This idea has been used before. You exploited in okay; gameplay is certainly relaxing, but the objects could have been placed better. The gold pattern wasn't quite consistent, but it's appropraite placing fixes that. The thumps could have been placed better; there could have been more mines to add to the challenge (the chaingun area was dull). But the gameplay was alright. 3/5
Demo Data