Ad Nauseam

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Author No_one
Tags action author:no_one playable unrated
Created 2008-08-23
Last Modified 2008-08-23
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Description I got a macbook, and i can't find the insert key for object placement in edit mode, which means no more mapmaking. so i'll be uploading two or three old maps which i still have. then.. well.. yes.

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C+ Royal V Subterranean Bouchard No. 120 Betelgeuse E's and Three's


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i liked it, its easy to, allgolded it the first time :>


guys, i'll try be trying some stuff. hopefully something will work out.

"Press (insert) or (numpad 0) from Ned’s menu to add objects. Objects can be items, enemies, doors, the exit and the ninja."

Don't we have two options? On my laptop, the numpad is overlayed on my keyboard, and is accessed by holding down the function key.


That's irrelevant. He has the key to pull up the debug menu, just not the key to pull up the object placement window in the editor itself. There's no alternate key for that, either.


I read your description wrong, and the square brackets removed some of my post. Anyway, read the manual and there should be an alternate key for object placement

Ditto, but...

I found a way around it. At least in Windows running Boot Camp.

I made an AutoHotKey script that would use "insert" whenever I pressed "Fn+Ctrl+Alt+F12."

It also kills the process of the active window with the command "Ctrl+Alt+F4," but that's irrelevant.

Unfortunately there's no Mac equivalent of AHK, so figure out your own solution :P

I don't know if Macs have the equivalent of Windows's "On-screen Keyboard," but if it does that will work as a temporary solution, if worst comes to worst.

From the editor manual:

"Pressing / pulls up the debug menu."

Could you use the vertical bar?


Route is probably sub-optimal, but I had a hard enough time as it is.
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