Shattered Track 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Shattered Track 2'

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Author jackass77
Tags author:jackass77 easy flowy rated shattered tktktk track
Created 2008-08-23
Last Modified 2008-08-23
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Shattered Track 2 is a remake of Shattered Track by tktktk ... its quite flowy and if you get the flow right then the rockets wont hit you .... this is a DED to tktktk

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first rated map EVER! not quite as flowy as the 1st one but still pretty good... i reckon 4
Demo Data

G_H_M is right.

Won it on the girst try. 4aved

Demo Data


The flow is sorta off every now and then. Ill give it a 4, but the first one was better.
1st try
Demo Data