
Thumbnail of the map 'Unfinished'

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Author _underscore_
Tags author:_underscore_ nreality unrated
Created 2008-08-21
Last Modified 2008-08-21
Map Data

Description Should I finish it?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Eaten Alive!' Thumbnail of the map 'Holes in The Floor' Thumbnail of the map 'He who is without pain' Thumbnail of the map '{busszaw}' Thumbnail of the map 'Tread Lightly, Young Ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'No, sir. They ran out of bullets.'
Eaten Alive! Holes in The Floor He who is without pain {busszaw} Tread Lightly, Young Ninja No, sir. They ran out of bullets.


Pages: (0)

definitely finish

this map! its sweet. just needs some work with gameplay and whatnot

Holy Bawlz!

Massive response! pressure built...


very nice



Loved it. Bit easy, but you can make it harder. I can't wait until you can make a special trigger that unlocks an ability; eg, laserPostfireDelay,0. So that once you get the trigger it is instantly harder. NR untill full version is released.


eganic thinks that you should finish it. but like stratus said, do something a little more interesting in the second room. maybe add some mines i dunno...
but it's very repetitive
maybe if the second section is more interesting
The surprise is that awesome.

I vote yes.

NR till full version released