
Thumbnail of the map 'Paranoid'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags author:guitar_hero_matt gauss hard playable rated slopes variety
Created 2008-08-19
Last Modified 2008-08-19
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Just an idea I wanted to try out, where you really have to look at the big picture. You never know when they'll get you... ;)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Two Towers' Thumbnail of the map 'Every Cloud has a Deadly Lining' Thumbnail of the map 'Every Cloud... Scorched Sun' Thumbnail of the map 'Every Cloud... Stormy Skies' Thumbnail of the map 'Red Herring' Thumbnail of the map 'Fishy Intentions'
The Two Towers Every Cloud has a Deadly Lining Every Cloud... Scorched Sun Every Cloud... Stormy Skies Red Herring Fishy Intentions


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I compeltely seriously deserve a ded fot his :D. Fun map but too much happening at once; this AGD has more close calls then a DDA.

Oh also... I didn't actually AGD this one conventionally. While I was playing your map, I was frustrated by never having a so called break. So I added a trap door as seen here and to my great surprise AGD'd the map. The trap door doesn't really change the difficulty of the map but the demo only goes halfway without it. Here is the slight mod.
Demo Data


was a little too hectic and the mines were ugly, but the right and left sides were good fun
Still great. 4/5



I loved it.



Now uve completed the regular version, try the super hard version ;)
Its only slightly different though
Awesome :D
(agd - 3321 / 90.975)
Demo Data
Cant manage an AGD, but this should help.


Its a bastard right? Also, check out my new version. Its tiny but just as deadly, or at least I think.


I just got shot in the FACE one frame away from an all gold demo :(
When it is gold the map is favourited. When its grey its not. Click to toggle


Actually, looking at it my map is very unsuitable. :(


I dont think the goldtrust thing is gonna work with this tileset. Just by looking there are very few places I can use that trick just because of the tiles you've used. Ill experiment a little anyway but I dont expect to come up with anything
For reference, by the 'goldtrust thing' I mean this map:


Thanks for the feedback everyone! Im working on a smaller version using this concept next; it was a bit long, and Im such a noob I havent completed it yet! :P However, I did complete it in about 4 sections during playtesting, so it should work fine.

And also, the noise is important. It helps ensure you know when somethings targeting you, so you feel like you're always being targeted (most of the time coz you are)For extra challenge, try playing this on mute.

And what does the goldern ninja icon do?


You're getting better fast...
Demo Data


Definitely the type of map-style I appreciate. A little 'noisy', but I'm sure others wouldn't notice that small detail. (Rated)


Its the grey ninja by the map name!

Also, would you mind checking out my completely unnoticed map? :P


Difficult though :P I havent finished but what Ive seen I love!
+Favourited... if I can find the favourite button?


Ive made a few modifications that I forgot to iron out in the testing. Please RCE, I think this mpa looks great personally but I need feedback.