Teh Simple Challenge 5

Thumbnail of the map 'Teh Simple Challenge 5'

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Author _underscore_
Tags author:_underscore_ challenge nreality simple simple-challenge unrated
Created 2008-08-17
Last Modified 2008-08-17
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Heh. Heh. Heh.
This one needs NReality.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Escape Artist' Thumbnail of the map 'Escape Artist v2' Thumbnail of the map 'Look out, Eiturlyf!' Thumbnail of the map 'Overneath the Underhead' Thumbnail of the map 'Cyanide dripping from the Ceiling' Thumbnail of the map 'WAFLCOPTER'
Escape Artist Escape Artist v2 Look out, Eiturlyf! Overneath the Underhead Cyanide dripping from the Ceiling WAFLCOPTER


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its meant to happen. If you replace any designated number on a playermod with a letter, it will do something weird.
lol i happens on the walls as well ... its so cool

I screwed it

i was jumping up the bounce blocks when my guy started flying around and went off the scrren loll


heh heh
pretty fun, would be good to speedrun, but I'm more of a survivalist type than a racer.
good map
Demo Data

Oh nevermind then.

NaN-ing playermods is fun!


What the craaaap!?!?! Oh man, I was really surprised! Wow, that's hilarious.

Completion Demo btw

Pretty easy
Demo Data
Also, you didn't post any demo :/
on NReality