Metroid Infant

Thumbnail of the map 'Metroid Infant'

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Author Geoboy
Tags author:geoboy geoboy metroid n-art unrated
Created 2008-08-15
Last Modified 2008-08-15
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is my first map so I hope it turns out. I tried to make the center look like a Metroid and everything in it just to pressure you to get to the end. Please comment with suggestions/improvements.


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Yeah I tried to use the tiles but I find that I just get a lot more flexibility with items in terms of colours and shapes. But I'll try next time. And I'll try to make more n-art about video games.

nicely done

you shold try and make more metriod nart, thatd be cool :) 5/5
much fewer objects, more tiles next time