Eye of the Storm

Thumbnail of the map 'Eye of the Storm'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author UniverseZero
Tags alarmdrone author:universezero nreality race tncc unrated
Created 2008-08-11
Last Modified 2008-08-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ***NREALITY***

Second map in The Nreality Column Comp.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cube Runner' Thumbnail of the map 'Trapped in a Cylinder' Thumbnail of the map 'The Unreality Memorial ObjectMod Museum' Thumbnail of the map 'Help or Hindrance?' Thumbnail of the map 'Darkness is Only a Reflection of Light' Thumbnail of the map 'One Way Through'
Cube Runner Trapped in a Cylinder The Unreality Memorial ObjectMod Museum Help or Hindrance? Darkness is Only a Reflection of Light One Way Through


Pages: (0)

Machine gun?

It's an alarm drone...


so hard i couldnt finish it...
4/5 - would have been better if the machine gun was a rotating laser drone


You need to use the new version of Nrealitydownloadable here. []

You also need to have an internet connection (The school one doesn't work on most computers).


Theres no point to the drone dot.

demo complition

not agd
Demo Data
all gold is possible, but too hard to do repeatedly...

the end shouldn't be so cheatable
Demo Data

It is possible.

I've playtested the whole thing. Tell me which part you can't get and I'll help you out.

I think it's impossible. Try setting terminal_vel to 999999999.