Arkantos 9: Strangers

Thumbnail of the map 'Arkantos 9: Strangers'

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Author blackwolf84
Tags author:blackwolf84 playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-09-11
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description "How do you suppose we get out of this place?" asked Chiron.
A greenish ghost walked up to them and only Ajax noticed.
"The shades. We are strangers to this place, but they know it well."
"Grrrowlll, we will help you but you must stay on the ground as much as possible. If you jump, we will jump on you.

As they started walking, Arkantos invisioned the upper part of Erebus and saw a lightning bolt. He knew that Poseidon had supported Gargarensis and thought, what of Zeus? Could he be the god he should worship?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Arkantos 3: Poseidon' Thumbnail of the map 'Arkantos 4: The Gates of Troy' Thumbnail of the map 'Arkantos 5: A Fine Plan' Thumbnail of the map 'Arkantos  6:Gargarensis' Thumbnail of the map 'Arkantos 7: The Road to Hades' Thumbnail of the map 'Arkantos 8: Revelation'
Arkantos 3: Poseidon Arkantos 4: The Gates of Troy Arkantos 5: A Fine Plan Arkantos 6:Gargarensis Arkantos 7: The Road to Hades Arkantos 8: Revelation


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terrible flow.

All gold speed

Great map! 4.5/5
Demo Data


this level is like, amazingness. at first i didnt even realize you couldnt jump, but it was still good. and then when i realized you didnt have to jump, i was perfect score.


Fun! The Arkantos series is turning out great. Keep it up!


That was actually a lot of fun. Good job.


This was actually a good map. Maybe just a tad long. And you used a couple too many thwump cannons. 4/5
Demo Data


THE twump cannon is coming back in style! huzah!


A speed run, except at the end.

Arkantos and his companions climbed to the surface and saw sand around.
"Where are we?" they wondered.
Demo Data

*horray, horray, horray*