Almost Reborn

Thumbnail of the map 'Almost Reborn'

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Author Donfuy
Tags author:donfuy medium race rated
Created 2008-08-08
Last Modified 2008-08-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description No. It isn't "a hell of a reborn!" like I pretended.
But even if you don't notice, I worked pretty hard to do this map.

Enjoy, constructively comment and rate it.

(oh... It should be more flowy I know. The flow of some parts are a bit...uh...mechanical... and I used a lotta jump pads, but I couldn't figure a better way out sometimes)

one more thing: I can't let go the loops... it's stronger than me...=)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'uNcompleted' Thumbnail of the map 'Two Cubes, Two Diferent Ways To Win' Thumbnail of the map 'Whining Like A Pig' Thumbnail of the map 'Envy' Thumbnail of the map 'Old days. Returned for one day.' Thumbnail of the map 'Can I?'
uNcompleted Two Cubes, Two Diferent Ways To Win Whining Like A Pig Envy Old days. Returned for one day. Can I?


Pages: (0)


i did so little with this map lol.


originally they weren't there, but I put them to those turrets... actually I've done wrong...
the drones... uh... I didn't wanted to provoke lag... but I think one or two drones doesn't lag that much xD
OH the gold? I put them just they don't actually do something (I guess I must worry with the esthetics then...)
A lot of thank you's to you all....
or excellence, at least. Keep going!

2 - i actually enjoyed this, but there are a few things that could be worked on.

Gold - stick to one patern, and spread it evenly around the map. I'd recommend 7 clumps of gold.

Enemies - some people like close calls, but i think you should focus a little more on the atmosphere given by them. Maybe try drone timing and chainguns? Mix it up a little, you know?

flow - i find it easiest to make flow, if instead of running on top of E blocks, you make the flat parts '5' blocks, so you can use a 7 then a 1 for a jump. Or jump up to another flat with no slope at all, i think you just have more options.

One-ways - try not to use any flat horizontal ones directly next to a drop, you sometimes land on them through a wall :P

I look forward to playing your next race :D
Demo Data


here's a preliminary, with no enemies, and no aesthetic tileset modifications. i've retained the original path, but made it more flowy. i'll critique it a lot more tomorrow.


go for it

I would even appreciate that you spam :P
your comment-area? (modified level-data)

Flow was very iffy.

Demo Data

uh... may sound strange... but me neither, I only put them so that those two turrets actually do something (yes yes I could take them off, but then there was an empty space xD


Pretty good. Just needs more polishing. Didnt like the one-ways that much. Keep it up.


so that you can see that IT IS possible
Demo Data