Micro 79

Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 79'

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Author TheKitchenSink
Tags author:thekitchensink micro mini playable small tiny unrated
Created 2008-08-01
Last Modified 2008-08-01
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Standard mines + gauss formula, but this one feels rather unique largely due to the tileset, I think.

Should be good for speed demoes too, I think.

I think a lot, as you can see. :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 73' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 74' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 75' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 76' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 77' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 78'
Micro 73 Micro 74 Micro 75 Micro 76 Micro 77 Micro 78


Pages: (0)

Oops, ignore that demo. I posted it by instinct. You can watch if you want, it's just me failing I think. Or it might be a pasted demo from another micro. Either way, ignore it.

Can't do it... I find OutrightOJ funny, he's said every single micro I've looked at "It has a nice concept". :P
Demo Data
I can't get quicker!
Nice challenge, and the concept is also quite nice, so 4/5.
Demo Data


Demo Data

Few more

Demo Data

1 frame improvement

Demo Data
It's on NReality userlevels.

Fun stuff

Not sure how much faster will be possible.
Demo Data

Completion Demo

I debated with myself whether or not to lie and say this was non-FBF, but I've never done it before and I shan't start.

I've gotten back to the top non-FBF, but I went too fast and hit the top mine :(

So here, I guess. Have fun.
Demo Data