Abstract picture

Thumbnail of the map 'Abstract picture'

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Author Iffus
Tags action author:iffus drones medium playable unrated
Created 2008-07-30
Last Modified 2008-07-30
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description It's my third level, please rate it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Shaft' Thumbnail of the map 'Starbox'
The Shaft Starbox


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notb ad

although the comment below this one mentions the standard guidelines for making more popuplar maps, don't be afraid to stick to what you want to do. break the rules a bit. break the rules A LOT. whatever. anything and everything appeals to SOMEBODy. and this map appeals to me.


i have some advice

1)it looks, to put is simply, nasty, fix this
2)it does not flow
the launchpad propells you straight into the laser (I dont know, you might have done this on purpose, but it looks like its to get the gold, so i dont like it)
3)gold is very easy to get
that much gold is like 90 seconds of playtime (more) on userlevels, get rid of some!
4)chaingun drones are bad (but thats just my opinion, so dont get angry with me)
