Practical Upshot

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Author the_devil_dodger
Tags author:the_devil_dodger gauss puzzle think thwumps unrated
Created 2008-07-28
Last Modified 2008-07-28
Map Data

Description If you think you've mastered jumping, think again.

Anyone can learn to do multiple/complex corner kicks, jump through doors, or even the launchpad horizontal wall jump. But can you forget all that you've learned, and become able to "fail" your own jump? You'll certainly need to in this level...

3 gauss turrets, 13 thwumps, a floor of mines, and to make matters worse, all are in a position that prevents you from using advanced jumps in a way that is to your benefit. You will need to successfully jump towards a certain area but end up somewhere other than where the jump should have gone several times.

Can you undo your own habits and jump deliberately horribly?

Ratings disabled, because many will say it's impossible when simple logic should be telling them that it's not.


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