
Thumbnail of the map 'Larvitar'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author AfterTheRain
Tags author:aftertherain n-art unrated
Created 2008-07-24
Last Modified 2008-07-24
Map Data

Description Simple, pixeled-in. I might improve it later, but I really doubt it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'thirty seconds to mars' Thumbnail of the map 'stopping by woods on a snowy evening' Thumbnail of the map 'bassamontis' Thumbnail of the map 'sly' Thumbnail of the map 'godzilla'
thirty seconds to mars stopping by woods on a snowy evening bassamontis sly godzilla


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Very, VERY nice



Very Good

Make more pokemon.

Although I would love it if you made a Starmie.


keep working, you have potential, but this ain't great. but definately take into account what everyone is saying. all i have to add is:
center your art, dont ever border it and dont make it pixelized.
And get rid of that tiles/ninja/door nonsense.


Don't worry, I get it, but it would look better if those weren't in the corner. Just some friendly advice, that's all.
there's a object mover somewhere on the forums. Get rid of the right corner and center the image, it is wonderful, I used to be a mad poke fan. Would have given 5


I love the pokes. <3 Why did you disable ratings? I would have given it a 4...


one damn object. It barely makes any difference.


It's good and all, but take out the tiles and the objects in the right corner.

pretty good

but why did you put the ninja in the corner? it probable lags and doesn't have anything to do with the art.

otherwise good