
Thumbnail of the map 'Endurance'

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Author flagmyidol
Tags author:flagmyidol endurance race rated
Created 2008-07-22
Last Modified 2008-07-22
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description You will need it. This is around 5000 frames.

If a demo is necessary it will be provided, but it shouldn't be.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Twisted' Thumbnail of the map 'Of Men' Thumbnail of the map 'Loblolly Pines' Thumbnail of the map 'Bittersweet' Thumbnail of the map 'Gay Octopus' Thumbnail of the map 'Hunt the Thwumpus'
Twisted Of Men Loblolly Pines Bittersweet Gay Octopus Hunt the Thwumpus


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Still think this is probably my best map, oddly. God I always loved the complexity.
but the name, so fradgle...

super (all flowy maps) 5aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!


i'm really surprised this got such a mixed reaction.... really more of a negative one. oh well.


I thought it was AWFUL.

The flow appeared to be good in places, then turned back to boring, sloppy and choppy. The tileset was consistent, i'll give you that, but the map itself was terrible, it was way too repititive, a race has to change to be much fun, this was circle after circle after cricle.

But cheespuffs, if flagmyidol really wanted to make a loopy race, he will do, he always does, and he does it well /normally/.

this is a perfect example 4/5
Demo Data

I purposely didn't make it loopy

*I purposely didn't make MINE loopy

honestly flagmyidol

are you that immature?

I made my map because this map dissapointed me. This race is trying to be loopy. There are TONS of loops in this race. I purposely didn't make it loopy because its hard to do it right. I made it flowy, but abstractly.

About the enemies, this race is LONG, and there is nothing to keep my interest in playing it. My race is SHORT so I didn't feel the need to add extra enemies. I wasn't trying to make a full map out of it, more like an experiment. Also, I added mines.

In this race I don't see any interesting tileset. I put one in mine.

Seriously, you could have at least tried to give me a reason to give me a 3/5 besides trying to "get back" at me. I made my map to show you that you could have done it better. I wasn't making a full map.


Sorry, but I don't think so. Cheespuffs nailed it on the head.



Demo Data


Love how easy it is to stay to the track.
Demo Data

flagmyidol -

Although the tileset has a common theme, its really boring and ugly - a tileset is more than just a theme, its a design.

The flow in this was really choppy and unflowy. Also, there were no enemies or even MINES.

Although its an interesting concept of using only one type of tile, trying to make a loopy map with that one type of tile doesn't work out. It could have been flowy, but loopy without other tiles to round the edges doesn't look or flow good.



This map is so unique. Very clever use of traps and one-ways, not at all loopy, and though it wasn't fast, its length, flow, and ingenuity more than made up for it. I don't see how spudzalot can consider the complexity a bad thing; they don't get in your way, and they're used so well. The thing I hate about the new NUMA is that maps like this are passed over so quickly.

Bottom line: 5aved.
Demo Data


Almost 6000 frames/
Demo Data
and there weren't any enemies, but it was decent.
Demo Data
And I didnt like it. It looks like you slapped together a tileset forced flow into it no matter what the cost. Then added a horrid overcomplicated system of switches and one-ways.

Just being honest. ^^

very interesting

the pros: a very complex path, and an interesting and innovative door-eerie/race crossover.
the cons: imperfect and occasionally hard-to-find flow.
overall, 4/5


i realize that it's cheatable, and i could have fixed it. but unless you don't have three minutes, play it completely. believe it or not, it's more fun that way.


Demo Data
Faved for later play.

you know...

it wasn't bad, but it felt like there wasn't any, substance to it. i don't know...


faster completion

this is a better path :)
Demo Data

I love my logic. <3
Demo Data

you messed up

missed a jump. here's a demo.

but seriously your demo is worth watching. but mine has one advantage: it's correct.
Demo Data
BUT...I found the flow again. 4/5. It would be better if I the flow, but i still liked it.
Demo Data


i believe this to be my best map