Outback [Self-Relient Remix]

Thumbnail of the map 'Outback [Self-Relient Remix]'

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Author gloomp
Tags author:gloomp cold playable rated remix roof tin
Created 2008-07-21
Last Modified 2008-07-21
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description A single from CTR, with added flair, just for NUMA.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'thje chair' Thumbnail of the map 'Bowtie Smash' Thumbnail of the map 'Adolf Maestro' Thumbnail of the map 'On the Muleway, Hopping Train to Train' Thumbnail of the map 'Seat B-14 on Air Strip One' Thumbnail of the map 'Eye of Strindberg'
thje chair Bowtie Smash Adolf Maestro On the Muleway, Hopping Train to Train Seat B-14 on Air Strip One Eye of Strindberg


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Cold Tin Roof

An episode I released not too long ago to little acclaim.


Simple, original, fun.

Crash Team Racing?
Demo Data

i like this map

although it is somewhat frustrating, i like it.


completion. kinda annoying if you ask me. 3.
Demo Data
although i agree with atob, too.
It's 'Whether', not 'Weather'.



doesn't this level want to make you scream??? 4/5 I was going for AGD at the beggining then relized that I couldn't do it, I'm jelouse
but only 8 tries and I completed it. The double gausses at the top killed me several times. I like the steeper shot because its more threatening, remove the lower one at the top because it was unnecessary, not more threatening in any way to me. Otherwise, i like the two gausses near the exit. That made the descent hard. 4/5, looks a lot easier than it is
Demo Data


I dont like two gausses but other then that its good.
Demo Data

I hate

more than one gauss. Makes it seems like the game just decides to kill you for the hell of it sometimes.