
Thumbnail of the map 'Crossroads'

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Author Rdy-kun
Tags action author:rdy-kun playable rated
Created 2008-07-20
Last Modified 2008-07-20
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description After scrapping a bunch of different maps, and hours of building, I came up with this. Perhaps I'm trying too hard to live up to standards, but I really wanted to make an impressive map. I don't know if this map would be able to be called 'impressive', but I certainly hope it is a lot better than Training Hall. I tested this level for a good hour, even, beating it multiple times, changing it up so much, fixing bugs. >-< I hope it's good.

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lets do a deal.

u rate and comment all my maps and i do the same.

i allready did this.


Very good

great tileset!!

its your best!

(pleas see my maps)

i felt the map wasn't as good as the comments say, the gameplay was pretty boring, and it was too long. also, the gold was glum and blah
Demo Data


I liked a lot the tilset, the game play was very easy but fun, i think that some bounce blocks are not needed. =)

this is one of your

Best maps yet. My only complaint is that the two zaps were easy in such a big room.(I suggest a rocket)


my apologies then:)

I've gotta say

You have made a lot of improvement from your last few maps. Great job.

The bounce blocks were places nicely as well as the mines. And I found it very fun.

The best part was the inside area. Bouncing around in there is a lot a fun and is a stress reliever after getting out of an enemy area.

My complaints are the gold is placed annoyingly against the wall. It was too long. And that the tileset was good but it didnt *wow* me.

Very nice job. :D


In english, "made the most of" is a commonly used phrase. It means you used what you were given...TO THE MAX. Like, if he "made the most of" the space he was given, it means he used all of it, and to good effect.

@ TheKitchenSink

You really made most of your space..?
When translated in my language, that doesn't make any sense, so I guess it doesn't make any sense in english too..
'bout the level, I don't know why but I don't really like it... It's easy, and a little akward.. It doesn't give me the feeling of replay...

Not bad

I liked it. You really made the most of your space. I am indeed impressed. However, it feels a tad...shallow. Luckily for its length it's not that hard. I am impressed though. 4/5
Demo Data

Sample demo.
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