Comments on "Innocence"

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i liked it 4/5


you arent a bad mapmaker at all!!! i dont know why you would think that. just because you get a 3 on a map does NOT mean that you are a bad mapmaker.

also, if you dont like the way things are right now, you WILL get better.

just take a look at my first good maps, chainsaw, and chainsw II.

btw im not gone either lol


Don't get discouraged. Nobody's opinions matter at all anyways.

alright, well,

maybe i am a bad mapmaker after all. with riobe, destiny, and da_man gone, and snipers and newbies running up and down my maps, i guess i'll take a break from numa for a while. i have so little prestige, no one will notice or care anyway.


to think i put such work into this...i guess i knew it was pointless considering the whole rest of my life, but nevertheless...

goodbye, numa.

pretty good fun


i didn't like it very much... i've seen levels with better flow. 3/5
what's happened? only 1 of 6 people actually commented! i'm resubmitting this! gawsh!
dang it
Demo Data

oh, yes, and,

thanks msyjsm for doing as the description says.

what in the world??

this has 4 ratings, and a rating of 3!! i know it's not worth a 3. guys, seriously. don't be jerks. at least be fair.


Very good. I enjoyed the flow very much overall, there were some interesting twists and you made good use of one-ways and launchpads. The end felt very exciting.

My only problem was that sometimes some of the lasers would block my path (especially after coming down from the top-left corner switch), but that may have just been because I wasn't going fast enough.

Demo Data

flow/path demo

Demo Data