
Thumbnail of the map 'Pika-boo'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author spudzalot
Tags action author:spudzalot fun jumper playable rated rocket-dodger
Created 2008-07-11
Last Modified 2008-07-11
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description A map with fun difficult jumps. I love the rocket area. <3

Enjoy. This map was inspired by Skypanda.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'You Liberal Tree Huggers!' Thumbnail of the map 'Broken Utopia' Thumbnail of the map 'bota het' Thumbnail of the map 'Power Lift' Thumbnail of the map 'Phantom' Thumbnail of the map 'Showstopper'
You Liberal Tree Huggers! Broken Utopia bota het Power Lift Phantom Showstopper


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I really like this map. XD

4aved yet again.


It just came to me when I was playing your maps...

Its supposed to be like that. After you get the switch I want you to have to do high jumps to stop the upper rocket from seeing you, while at the same time dodge the lower rocket. I think is fun. :D



Copy and pasted from Unreality:

" Force Field Drone : 6^x,y,Path,0,16,direction

optional parameters: ^detectRadius,forcePower,forceDelayTimer,forceMaxCount,forceMaxCountDelay "

Hope that satisfys.
The rest was good. 4

Slow, stupid demo, but has some nice moves.
Demo Data
but you must have a loose definition of inspired, don't think i've ever made anything like this :/

close.. ish 4/5
kind of annoying
Demo Data


I really like this map.
Demo Data