why are some maps hard? 4

Thumbnail of the map 'why are some maps hard? 4'

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Author piece_of_milk
Tags action author:piece_of_milk gold hard mines rockets unrated
Created 2008-07-09
Last Modified 2008-07-10
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Just so people know, i've made the sequels because i got alot of comments on Why are some maps hard?. Knowing that they told me the map was hard, which was what i was looking for, i started to make sequels like this map. anyway, about the map, it is split into 5 sections. #1: The Mine Section #2 The Thwump Section #3 The Blank Section #4 The Rocket Section and #5 The (this part is HARD) Section. The last section has its name because i couldent think of anything else.

Other maps by this author

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Kill World Get It Right! Traped in the Computer! why are some maps harder? why are some maps hardest? Riding on a missle!


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yeah right.

cmon, man.


should probably only submit something if you're able to complete it yourself.

This isnt hard...

This is impossible


Your maps are next to impossible. Improve. And why are there two rocket sections?