Micro 15

Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 15'

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Author TheKitchenSink
Tags author:thekitchensink micro miniscule playable small tiny unrated
Created 2008-07-09
Last Modified 2008-07-09
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This one's not bad. I wanted to use the floorzapperthing. I forget the name of it. The rocket is largely pointless I guess. But I might as well put it there. Well, it *is* possible to not even touch the ground on the bottom, and only lure the drone, but that's really hard what with the mines and the rocket and all. So I guess the rocket has a purpose. :P Enjoy!

P.S. This is also my first Micro map with a rocket launcher as well, but it has a minor role. I think I'll make my next map with rockets playing a big role.

Other maps by this author

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Micro 8 Micro 9 Micro 10 Micro 11 Micro 13 Micro 12


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Demo Data


Demo Data

Nice map

harder than it looks
Demo Data

Quite fun actually,

nice challenge. 4
Demo Data

Completion Demo

I should probably go back and add a completion demo to my older maps.
Demo Data