
Thumbnail of the map 'Font'

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Author bigblargh
Tags author:bigblargh rated test
Created 2005-09-03
Last Modified 2005-09-04
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Man, I have too much free time on my hands.
I have more than one type of F and H, because I couldn't decide which was better. Could someone make a mine jumper out of this?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tulips' Thumbnail of the map 'Spotlight' Thumbnail of the map 'Irises' Thumbnail of the map 'renim yzarc ehT' Thumbnail of the map '$20 denied' Thumbnail of the map 'Gesture'
Tulips Spotlight Irises renim yzarc ehT $20 denied Gesture


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I might...

That'd be cool.