Brez + Jono

Thumbnail of the map 'Brez + Jono'

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Author radoz888
Tags author:radoz888 fast-paced fun hard race unrated
Created 2008-07-05
Last Modified 2008-07-05
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description -AWSOME MAP I CREATED (and jono of corse)
-post comments on your best time/how many trys it took you to beat


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new record


ok ok

fair enuf,
im going to post a map soon that no-one has beaten, i know how but i just cant!!
my friends are some of the best n players and they cant either...

then tel me what you think.
Not bad, but it would be better if you needed ninja skills or even math skill to complete it.

3 Try Demo.

I'm surprised it took 2 people to make. I could have done a much better version of this is 10 minutes. Nonbody likes maps that rely totally on luck to complete. And it didn't take a scientist to figure out the second half was the same as the first. 1/5. Too Easy.
Demo Data

post comments on your best time/how many trys it took you to beat