Glob Snob Drip Knob

Thumbnail of the map 'Glob Snob Drip Knob'

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Author HeartView
Tags action author:heartview playable rated
Created 2005-09-02
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Don't mind the title, it's just getting tougher to name maps. =/

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'NOP-ish' Thumbnail of the map 'Die Angle' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja On  Pole' Thumbnail of the map 'Cliff Schmotes' Thumbnail of the map 'Wall Hugger (rev 2)' Thumbnail of the map 'Woodchucker'
NOP-ish Die Angle Ninja On Pole Cliff Schmotes Wall Hugger (rev 2) Woodchucker


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that's for effort since i REALLY can't stand this kind of map.

They were there..

To ensure that you wouldn't die after you hit the exit. That's all.


It was very fun. That homing launcher was evil though. The middle section was the most challenging to me. I don't know why the normal doors were there; they were useless. Stilol, a 4/5 for you!