Day 1

Thumbnail of the map 'Day 1'

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Author No_one
Tags action author:no_one playable rated
Created 2008-07-01
Last Modified 2008-07-01
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Claustrophobia' Thumbnail of the map 'Low Frustration Tolerance.' Thumbnail of the map 'Three Leg' Thumbnail of the map 'Gravity Falls' Thumbnail of the map 'Mercutio is blind' Thumbnail of the map 'Just die already'
Claustrophobia Low Frustration Tolerance. Three Leg Gravity Falls Mercutio is blind Just die already


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Demo Data


I think this my favorite of the series.
Demo Data


I like your maps cuz they're not too hard but still challenging for a nub like me. Too lazy for adg
Demo Data


The gold looks random, but I love how open ended the level is while keeping a path. That may sound convoluted, but it's hard to describe. My favorite part is the bottom. Instead of putting a bunch of mines, you just made it hard to get back up if you fell in.