Squeeze Factory

Thumbnail of the map 'Squeeze Factory'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Riobe
Tags author:riobe easy fun race rated riobe-squeeze squeeze
Created 2008-06-28
Last Modified 2008-06-28
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Yet another squeeze level. Just might be the end of the series. Just maybe...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Squeeze Classic' Thumbnail of the map 'Power Outage' Thumbnail of the map 'Square Rockets' Thumbnail of the map 'Dime Out' Thumbnail of the map 'Not Your Average N' Thumbnail of the map 'Squeeze Hills'
Squeeze Classic Power Outage Square Rockets Dime Out Not Your Average N Squeeze Hills


Pages: (0)


another great squeeze map! Yah!

not quite as good as the others though


Demo Data


COOL 5/5

Yes, it's fixed

nice one, but some things stood out to me-
+the only gold on the launchpad
+the less intrestingness becouse of almost no gold
+way easy becouse there are only a few gauss
well besideds that it's great 4/5
try making just 1 more to make up for the few things n this one, I know, you probbaly had the gold there for a reason.

Is it fixed?


The 7th One

Just right of the center of the map.

Wait, where?


oh crap,


You have an NaN'd launchpad.