Unhatch doom

Thumbnail of the map 'Unhatch doom'

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Author rokin_mockin
Tags author:rokin_mockin doom easy n unhatch unrated
Created 2008-06-26
Last Modified 2008-06-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Im about to give u a massive hint when u get the door switches, RUN LIKE HECK!

Other maps by this author

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the tricky thing is that the rating system of NUMA is based almost entirely on opinion or the respect of a mapmaker. This is most likely because NUMA was designed as an archive for N maps.

Maps can be good, but rate badly when they employ elements that are shunned apon by map makers & players.


I've looked through your maps and some have basic mistakes that are very easy to make as a beginner map-maker.

You have potential, don't let them tell you otherwise.

suggestions: make your tilesets first and think about the flow or aesthetic of the level. Read the FAQ on this site to check if you classify maps correctly.

Try and have a low amount of objects in the level and avoid clustering objects together.

>>>Playtest your levels<<<
Play through each path and edit out flaws or shortcuts, this helps you place objects better.

If you are not so good at N (like me) try puzzle maps.
puzzle maps show the thought you put into your maps and, usually, anyone can playtest them.

not the best map

the white blocks were unnecessary, cause you can jump up the wall
Demo Data


This map was boring, short, used too many superflous enemies, useless door switches and a poorly laid out playing field.

Bad job.