Choose Your Path: Part 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Choose Your Path: Part 2'

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Author Mike_Wazowski_
Tags action author:mike_wazowski_ choose fun path unrated your
Created 2008-06-25
Last Modified 2008-08-20
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The Second installment to the "Double Sided" series, a little bit harder than the first, still simple and straightforward though...

Other maps by this author

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Have Fun Dodge the Rockets Choose Your Path: Part 1


Pages: (0)


It was fun I almost died at the end on the left but I beat it without cheating

Left Side Done

Here's a demo for the rigth side.
Demo Data

Right Side Done

Here's a demo for the right side.
Demo Data


Oh sweet thx, that's awesome.


This entire frikking series please make more and post me about it theyre hard but not too hard!!!!!!!!! Awesome =)