Don't be Greedy

Thumbnail of the map 'Don't be Greedy'

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Author Frazzle
Tags author:frazzle frazzle medium unrated
Created 2008-06-25
Last Modified 2008-06-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My friend thought of an idea so i did it and thought it was pretty good. PLease comment, i am open for tips as i am a begginer.

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don't ever make a person lose the whole game because they hit a hidden trap. make the game harder, sure. have the trap redirect a drone to their chamber, or block off the easy path through the minefield leaving the hard one, but don't ever just trap N inside an empty chamber.

also: if you find yourself getting bored and annoyed or zoning out when placing gold, STOP! it's already too much gold, don't make it worse by continuing without thinking. think of gold as focus: the tiles you place it in, are the tiles players want to visit, so make going there and back enjoyable and challenging. one piece is the same as ten pieces, as long as they're in the same number of tiles.

so yeah. some tips.
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it is boring like my level :)
if you want you can have a look at my levels ... maybe you find something