v of doom

Thumbnail of the map 'v of doom'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mmmewk
Tags action author:mmmewk floorchaser rockets skill turrets unrated
Created 2008-06-23
Last Modified 2008-06-23
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description fun

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'to many locks' Thumbnail of the map 'climbing the 3 eyed man' Thumbnail of the map 'scout' Thumbnail of the map 'you're dead' Thumbnail of the map 'mad dash' Thumbnail of the map 'a true n test'
to many locks climbing the 3 eyed man scout you're dead mad dash a true n test


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help pls

i'm german so i try to speak english. I'm also new at this forum and i don't know exactly where i sould post my problem. Ok here we go:
My Problem:
I have nreality6c2 on my computer (for a long time ^^) Since Yesterday i can't play maps with mods or images. (i mean: i can play this maps but the special effect aren't there)
i can't log in (there stand always: error:) and if i create a new user there stand error:

So ich habe ein Problem mit nreality:
Die karten, die für nreality eigentlich sind (also mit hintergrundsbilder, mini, ohne gravitation,....), funktionieren seit gestern nicht mehr ...
Außerdem kann ich mich nicht mehr bei nreality einloggen (sieh. bild)

i hope someone could help me soon
mfg, magista

Too much gold, too repedetive. You only need 1 turret in the same place, and there's too much back and forth. Also, the tileset needs some work. Try not to cluster objects. also, i dont know if this is intentional or not, but you only need to hit one switch at the begining. Sorry to be so critical, just try to help you improve.