Slave To The Rhythm

Thumbnail of the map 'Slave To The Rhythm'

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Author Riobe
Tags action author:riobe easy fun rated rockets tileset
Created 2008-06-21
Last Modified 2008-06-21
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Tileset By Ryzor: Decimation []

A basic Action map. Requires a little squeeze. Enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My Moment: Slam Dunk' Thumbnail of the map 'My Moment:Under Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Undeniable Death' Thumbnail of the map 'Possibly...Random?' Thumbnail of the map 'Too Late' Thumbnail of the map 'Mountainous'
My Moment: Slam Dunk My Moment:Under Fire Undeniable Death Possibly...Random? Too Late Mountainous


Pages: (0)


nice tileset, i'm too much of a Noob to get the doorkey


FORGET IT. It wont let me post a mini tutorial on here.

BB Code []

Use that for all your BB code usage.


forget that.

Website name
add an l after the last

Hope That Helps


Website Name
help would be appreciated, because this website doesnt seem to like my HTML.

I like it.

rockets are annoying sometimes, but, the again, rockets always are.
how do you create links (like you did in this map's description) I still need to get used to the new N.


I like the gold placement too, and hmmm, I kinda like every thing 5aved, exept for over by the door, and I don't like the squeeze part
Demo Data


Amazing tileset, game was not so good for me.
Also the exit switch placement was pretty cool. The only annoying part was the upper left part after you'd opened the exit. the rocket combined with that one-way next to the 1 tile can be a bit of a bitch.

Nice level though

OH and...

4/5. I like how you used the tileset with those "squeezes" sometimes if your not going fast enough you open the exit but don't get the doors blocking it open. Its a good map and a good map gets a 4/5 :)


it works heres completion demo.. maybe not best time but completion. :)
Demo Data
Didn't have a lot of time to playtest it.