
Thumbnail of the map 'Generator.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Eiturlyf
Tags author:eiturlyf playable test unrated
Created 2008-06-19
Last Modified 2008-06-19
Map Data

Description This is just a random test level that I found interesting. Do you?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'TribulatioN' Thumbnail of the map 'Psycho Snail' Thumbnail of the map 'Eternal Moonlight.' Thumbnail of the map '6. Mæ.' Thumbnail of the map '7. Bunnies & Sheep!' Thumbnail of the map 'Southpaw-remake'
TribulatioN Psycho Snail Eternal Moonlight. 6. Mæ. 7. Bunnies & Sheep! Southpaw-remake


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Woo! :D

i think there's

definitely something interesting there with the drone paths. would make for a good map when its fleshed out. for sure


This is a drone path test. I am testing drone paths. This is not a complete level.

It's a cool tileset

but I'm not sure how usable it is otherwise.
It's interesting I guess.

Demo Data




but they never go outside their little chamber ;)
But the drones can change direction aight? But i as well like the tileset and think it's easy (and i know it's not supposed to be a badass level)


Read my damned comment.

A bit strange, tileset looks good, but i agree, a bit too easy still. 4/5
It's more like a blueprint, I simple sketch of a better level.

I might also state,

the tiles look good, and the actual thumbnail doesn't look half bad. I guess it is quite interesting in a way.

Nice and simple,

but, yeah. Wayyy too simple. It's good for speed-demos though. I don't really know how I did this. Would be a 3.5, but i'll round up.
Demo Data
But yeah, way too easy.
Demo Data
'tis old and very well known.


I found this wierd thing when playing this..

Standing in the air?
Demo Data

I don't mind.

I was just testing drone paths (note how wherever you activate the drones, they always follow a specific path put down by me.
I think I might use this but in a different way. Do you care?
Demo Data