
Thumbnail of the map 'marathon'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author santa_hat_crusader
Tags author:santa_hat_crusader easy rated simple
Created 2008-06-13
Last Modified 2008-06-13
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description please tell me if you have any suggestions

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Don't sell the bike shop!' Thumbnail of the map 'Windmill tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'Tubes' Thumbnail of the map 'Mirror mirror on the wall...' Thumbnail of the map 'The Big H' Thumbnail of the map 'This end sideways'
Don't sell the bike shop! Windmill tileset Tubes Mirror mirror on the wall... The Big H This end sideways


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Very very good tileset, the flow gets very interesting in some parts of the map.


i'm trying to get my maps rated and this one seemed my best shot


glad I faved it. I forgot to give this a rating and I was in a rush to leave. It's rated from me now.
if you liked it so much why didn't you add a rating?

*hint, hint* *nudge, nudge*


very awesome. I don't know what it was but I really liked it.

just saying

its kinda pointless to say AGD on this level

That's why

you usually put gold in 'hard to reach' places, so the 'completion' and 'agd' have different values.

got it

but you have to AGD to beat the level

All Gold Demo

means collecting all the gold in a map.


what's "AGD"


AGD, and boy was that fun.

2nd try demo:
Demo Data