
Thumbnail of the map 'wtf'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author jayxorama
Tags author:jayxorama rated wtf
Created 2008-06-08
Last Modified 2008-06-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description wtf

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'zacks best' Thumbnail of the map 'zacks good game' Thumbnail of the map 'ZACK2' Thumbnail of the map 'wtf' Thumbnail of the map 'why are i makeing this maps' Thumbnail of the map 'zacks real best'
zacks best zacks good game ZACK2 wtf why are i makeing this maps zacks real best


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What are the rockets there for? They do not actually fire.
No rating.
or if you want to be silly, at least don't submit the map and waste a NUMA page for your maps. If people want to play stuff like this, they can make it themselves, because these are so easy to make, anybody could.