Rock Paper Scissors

Thumbnail of the map 'Rock Paper Scissors'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author UniverseZero
Tags author:universezero game playable puzzle rated
Created 2008-06-02
Last Modified 2008-06-02
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is a new version of Rock Paper Scissors based on the original by McFizzle. This is just an improvement really.

First of all, you must get one of locks on each side before moving on. Don't go in there and then continue going out.

Second, you must get one of the nine ordinary locks before getting the gold one on the far right.

And lastly, if you are running out of time, just get the pile of gold on the far left bottom.

Let me know if you find any glitches.


EDIT: Glitches and improvements updated.

Other maps by this author

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Laser Turrets N Freestyle Jumping Championship The Lost Thwump City Gauntlet 101 God Defend New Zealand You're Only Human


Pages: (0)


It's not supposed to be a playable level as such. It's a level that simulates Paper Scissors Rock on N.

@ peace_bear0: I know, but I would have to redo most of the level to fix it, and I can barely remember how I did it in the first place.


that level was way to easy
although you did a pretty thorough job, since trapdoor keys are smaller than locked door keys, it is a little lighter. Easily noticeable if you look for it.
The level should now have no problems. Tell me if the drones don't respond like they should.


I think that's supposed to happen.

Pretty neat, despite its obvious similarity to McFizzle's version.

But you need bounceblocks covering the chaingun/zap drones in the center, because otherwise you can see what the other person chose.



@ wumbla: sorry, thanks for showing me that.

@ kayix: that is supossed to happen.

It is....

I don't know why though


It doesn't work
Demo Data


GLITCH REPORT: there is a trapdoor covered by a normal door you can still go through.

(5 minutes later)

...or is that supposed to happen?